2. Setting up the License Manager

This article provides instructions for setting up the PSCAD License Manager. This may be set up as either of the following options:

  • Installed on a server, for sharing licensing with client machines over the network, or
  • Installed directly on the PSCAD machine, but only if:
    (1) the licensing is also installed on the PSCAD, AND
    (2) the license contains more than one PSCAD seat.

When setting up the license manager, the user will be prompted whether to also install a license file. If you have access to the license file at this time, you can select the option to install it. If you do not have the license file, you can select the option to not install it, but it will need to be installed at a later time to authorize licensing for PSCAD.

1. Quick Start Setup Instructions

Follow the instructions in Step 6 of the attached QUICK START setup document to install and configure the License Manager.


a. System requirements are available from this webpage.

b. If you have access to the license file, you can select "Yes" when prompted whether to install the file, and you will be directed to Step 7 of the Quick Start document for this installation.
If you do not have the file, select "No", and install this file later, per this article.

2. Detailed Setup Instructions

a. System requirements are available from this webpage.

b. Display the attached DETAILED setup document.

c. Install the License Manager as per Section 2.2 or 2.3.1.


    1. Click here for a download of the latest version, v1.47.

    2. If you have access to the license file, you can select "Yes" when prompted whether to install the file, and refer to Section 5.1 for installation instructions.
      If you do not have the file, select "No", and install this file later, per this article.

If there are any setup questions, please refer to Section 7 of the attached DETAILED document. Or please contact our Support Desk (support@mhi.ca).

Enhancements to the License Manager

As of version 1.42, the license manager was enhanced to allow licensing across multiple networks. In previous versions, licensing was restricted to machines residing on the same network as the server. For further details, please refer to the attached document, "License Manager Enhancements".

