You do not receive the MyCentre Password Reset E-mail
When registering a new MyCentre user account or resetting your password, you should receive an automatically generated e-mail with password information shortly after submitting the request (usually within a few minutes).
If you did not receive this e-mail, the following may be considered:
- The auto-generated e-mail may be in your “Junk” e-mail folder.
- For a password reset, if you have forgotten your registered username, you can enter your email address as the username, then retry the password reset.
- For a password reset, if you enter an incorrect username or e-mail address in the “Username” field, the auto-generated e-mail will not be sent to you.
- If your organization is blocking auto-generated e-mails, the MyCentre e-mail would likely be blocked. Have your IT staff set their server to not block e-mails from, then reset your password.
- If your IT staff may not unblock e-mails from, register a new MyCentre user account using a different e-mail address on a different network (e.g. home). Once you have received your temporary password over this other network, you may use it to log in to MyCentre on either network.