Obtaining Access to Certificate Licensing
Certificate licensing is awarded via a MyCentre user account to eligible users as follows:
- Certificate licensing for running the Free Edition is provided free to anyone with a MyCentre user account.
- Existing lock-based licenses for running the Professional or Educational editions may be converted to certificate licensing, or new certificate licenses may be purchased. Please contact our Sales Desk for more information (sales@pscad.com).
Obtain access to certificate licensing as follows:
- Register your MyCentre user account as follows:
- Per Section 2.3 of the attached manual "Detailed Setup Instructions - PSCAD", or
- Per Step (1) of the attached manual "Quick Start Setup Instructions - PSCAD".
- The Free Edition will be available to you automatically. Refer to the following Knowledge Page for instructions on setting this up.
- If your organization has a Professional or Educational certificate license, you may obtain access to this as per Section 2.2 of the attached manual "Certificate Licensing - WorkGroup Members".