Input Controls


class mhrc.automation.button.ButtonCommands

Button Command Object


ButtonCommands.set_value(name=value[, ...])

Set the Button control values.

Button Control Values
Parameter Type Description
Name str Title of the button
Group str Group name
Display int Display title on button (1=Yes, 0=No)
Min float Button’s output value when not pressed
Max float Button’s output value when pressed

Press the button


Release the button

Press and release the button


class mhrc.automation.slider.SliderCommands

Slider Command Object


SliderCommands.set_value(name=value[, ...])

Set the Slider control values.

Slider Control Values
Parameter Type Description
Name str Title of the button
Group str Group name
Display int Display title on button (1=Yes, 0=No)
Max float Slider’s upper limit
Min float Slider’s lower limit
Value float Slider’s initial value
Units str Units to display in control panel
Collect int Data collection (1=continuous, 0=on release)

Set slider to the given value

Parameters:value (float) – Value to move slider to.
SliderCommands.limits(lower, upper)

Set slider minumum and maximum limits

  • lower (float) – Lower slider limit
  • upper (float) – Upper slider limit


class mhrc.automation.selector.SelectorCommands

Selector Command Object


SelectorCommands.set_value(name=value[, ...])

Set the Selector control values.

Selector Control Values
Parameter Type Description
Name str Title of the button
Group str Group name
Display int Display title on button (1=Yes, 0=No)
LabelType int Value Display (0=Index, 1=Value, 2=Both)
NDP int Number of dial positions (3-10)
Value int Initial dial position (1-NDP)
conv int Convert output to integer (1=Yes, 0=No)
F1 str Output value for Dial position #1
F2 str Output value for Dial position #2
F3 str Output value for Dial position #3
F4 str Output value for Dial position #4
F5 str Output value for Dial position #5
F6 str Output value for Dial position #6
F7 str Output value for Dial position #7
F8 str Output value for Dial position #8
F9 str Output value for Dial position #9
F10 str Output value for Dial position #10

Set the selector to the given position

Parameters:position (int) – New position for the dial (1-NDP)


class mhrc.automation.switch.SwitchCommands

Switch Command Object


SwitchCommands.set_value(name=value[, ...])

Set the Switch control values.

Switch Control Values
Parameter Type Description
Name str Title of the button
Group str Group name
Display int Display title on button (1=Yes, 0=No)
Value int Initial state (1=On, 0=Off)
Max float Switch’s output value when On
Min float Switch’s output value when Off
Ton str Text for On position
Toff str Text for Off position

Set the switch to the given state

Parameters:state (int) – New state: 1=On, 0=Off

Turn the switch to the On state

Turn the switch to the Off state