Workspace & Projects


class mhrc.automation.workspace.Workspace(pscad)

This class is responsible for interacting with the PSCAD “Workspace”.

The Workspace object must be retrieved from an instance of the PSCAD controller, using the PSCAD.workspace() method.

workspace = pscad.workspace()


Workspace.parameters(parameters=None, **kwargs)

Get or set the current workspace’s options

Workspace options are usually set through the “Workspace Options…” menu on the Workspace panel, but they can be retrieved or modified with this function.

  • parameters (dict) – A dictionary of option name=value pairs
  • **kwargs – One or more name=value keyword options

While option values are always returned as strings, they may be given as string, integer or boolean values.

Enable compile auto-save and set auto-save interval to 15 minutes:

workspace.parameters(compile_save_enable=True, autosave_interval=15)

To retrive all of the workspace options, pass in no arguments:

>>> workspace.parameters()
{'compile_save_enable': 'false', 'autosave_interval': '0', ... }


It is possible to set options to invalid values. Operation of PSCAD is undefined when illegal values have be used.

For example, the legal values for autosave_interval are 0, 5, 15, and 60. If it is set to a different value, such as 10, PSCAD will show the autosave interval as Never.


Determine whether the workspace has been modified since the last time it was saved.

Returns:True if the workspace has unsaved changes, False otherwise.


In PSCAD, the term “Project” refers to both PSCAD Libraries (*.pslx) as well as PSCAD Cases (*.pscx).


List all currently loaded libraries and cases.

Returns:The name, type and description of each project in the workspace.
Return type:List[dict]

With only the master library loaded:

>>> workspace.projects()
[{'name': 'master', 'type': 'Library', 'description': 'Master Library'}]

Retrieve a controller for a named project in the workspace.

Parameters:project_name (str) – The name of the library or case. The directory and filename extension must not be included.
Returns:A project controller.
>>> master = workspace.project('master')
>>> master.parameters()['description']
'Master Library'
Workspace.create_project(prj_type, name, path)

Create a new project in the workspace.

  • prj_type (int) – Project type. Use 1 -> case, 2 -> library
  • name (str) – Name of the project.
  • path (str) – Path to directory where project will be stored.

A project controller for the newly created project.

Simulation Sets


List all simulations set names.

Returns:A names of all simulation sets in the workspace.
Return type:List[str]

Create a new simulation set.

Parameters:set_name (str) – Name of the new simulation set.

Remove an existing simulation set.

Parameters:set_name (str) – Name of the simulation set to remove.

Retrieve a controller proxy for the given simulation set.

Parameters:set_name (str) – Name of the simulation set.
Returns:A controller proxy for the simulation set.


In PSCAD, a Project may refer to a Library (.pslx) or a `Case` (.pscx). A Library will contain component definitions and/or code which may be used in other libraries and cases. A Case is a runnable simulation that may reference other libraries.

The Master Library is a library which is automatically loaded into every workspace.

class mhrc.automation.project.ProjectCommands

A Project Controller

Once loaded into the Workspace, a project must be referenced through a project controller object by calling PSCAD.project() passing in the appropriate project name:

>>> master_library = pscad.project('master')  # Get master library project



Switch PSCAD’s focus to this project.

ProjectCommands.parameters(parameters=None, **kwargs)

Get or set project parameters

  • parameters (dict) – A dictionary of name=value parameters
  • **kwargs – Zero or more name=value keyword parameters

A dictionary of current parameters, if no parameters were given.

Project Parameters
Param Name Type Description
time_duration float Duration of run
description str Description
MrunType int Run config 0=Standalone, 1=Master, 2=Slave
startup_filename str Start up snapshot file name
PlotType int Save Channels to disk 0=No, 1=Yes
snapshot_filename str Save snapshot as text
SnapTime float Snapshot time as a real number
SnapType int Timed Snapshot: 0=None, 1=Single, 2=Incremental (same file), 3=Incremental (multiple file)
StartType int Start simulation: 0=Standard, 1=From Snapshot File
Source str Additional Source files
Mruns int Number of multiple runs
output_filename str Name of data file, with .out extension
sample_step float Channel plot step
time_step float Solution time step
ProjectCommands.set_parameters(parameters=None, **kwargs)

Set project parameters

The names of the parameters which are to be changed are tested against the set of existing parameters. If an unknown parameter is found, no action is performed and False is returned.

  • parameters (dict) – A dictionary of name=value parameters
  • **kwargs – Zero or more name=value keyword parameters

True if all parameter names are valid, False otherwise.

Save changes made to this project


Save this project to a new name or location.

Parameters:name (str) – The filename to store project to.

Check if the project contains unsaved changes

Returns:True, if unsaved changes exist, False otherwise.

Build & Run

Build the current project

Build and run this project.

Parameters:consumer – handler for events generated by the build/run (optional).


A library cannot be run; only a case can be run.


Pause the currently running projects.


All projects being run will be paused, not just this project.


End the currently running projects.


All projects being run will be terminated, not just this project.


Retrieve the load/build messages

Returns:A list of messages associated with the project.
Return type:List[tuple]

Each message is a named tuple composed of:

text The message text
label Kind of message, such as build or load
status Type of messages, such as normal, warning, or error.
scope Project to which the message applies
name Component which caused the message
link Id of the component which caused the message
group Group id of the message
pscad.load( os.path.join(examples_dir, r'tutorial\vdiv.pscx') )
vdiv = pscad.project('vdiv')
for msg in vdiv.messages():

Retrieve the output (run messages) for the project

Returns:The output messages
Return type:str
pscad.load( os.path.join(examples_dir, r'tutorial\vdiv.pscx') )
vdiv = pscad.project('vdiv')

Clean the current project



List the scenarios which exist in the project.

Returns:List of scenario names.
Return type:List[str]

Get or set the current scenario.

Parameters:name (str) – Name of scenario to switch to (optional).
Returns:The name of the (now) current scenario.
Return type:str

Save the current configuration under the given scenario name.

Parameters:name (str) – Name of scenario to create or overwrite.


ProjectCommands.set_layer(name, state)

Set the state of a layer

  • name (str) – Name of the layer to alter.
  • state (str) – One of “enabled”, “disabled” or “invisible”.

Create a new layer

Parameters:name (str) – Name of the layer to create.

Delete an existing layer

Parameters:name (str) – Name of the layer to delete.



Retrieve a list of all definitions contained in the project.

Returns:A list of all of the Definition names.
Return type:List[str]

Retrieve the given named definition from the project.

Parameters:name (str) – The name of the definition.
Returns:The named Definition.

Delete the given named Definition.

Parameters:name (str) – The name of the definition to delete.

Delete all instances of the given Definition.

Parameters:name (str) – The name of the Definition whose instances are to be deleted.

Parameter Grid


Export parameters to a CSV file.

Parameters:name (str) – Filename of the CSV file to write.

Import parameters from a CSV file.

Parameters:name (str) – Filename of the CSV file to read.

Finding Canvases


Retrieve a controller for the canvas of a user component.

Parameters:name (str) – Definition name of the user component.
Returns:A user canvas controller proxy object.

Getting the main page of a project:

main = project.user_canvas('Main')

Finding Components


After using user_canvas() to obtain the relevant canvas, it is usually simplier to use UserCanvas.find(), UserCanvas.find_first() or UserCanvas.find_all() methods to find a component of interest, rather than use a component Id for locate the component.

ProjectCommands.user_cmp(defn, iid)

Retrieve a controller for a user component

  • defn (str) – Name of user component to find the component inside.
  • iid (int) – Id attribute of the component.
ProjectCommands.slider(defn, *iid)

Retrieve a controller for a Slider

Since this component can exist inside a control panel, the *iid list must include the entire chain of Id attributes.

  • defn (str) – Name of user component to find the component inside.
  • *iid (int) – Id attributes of the control panel and slider.
ProjectCommands.switch(defn, *iid)

Retrieve a controller for a Switch

Since this component can exist inside a control panel, the *iid list must include the entire chain of Id attributes.

  • defn (str) – Name of user component to find the component inside.
  • *iid (int) – Id attributes of the control panel and Switch.
ProjectCommands.button(defn, *iid)

Retrieve a controller for a Button

Since this component can exist inside a control panel, the *iid list must include the entire chain of Id attributes.

  • defn (str) – Name of user component to find the component inside.
  • *iid (int) – Id attributes of the control panel and Button.
ProjectCommands.selector(defn, *iid)

Retrieve a controller for a Selector

Since this component can exist inside a control panel, the *iid list must include the entire chain of Id attributes.

  • defn (str) – Name of user component to find the component inside.
  • *iid (int) – Id attributes of the control panel and Selector.
ProjectCommands.overlay_graph(defn, *iid)

Retrieve a controller for an Overlay Graph

Since this component can exist inside a Graph Frame, the *iid list must include the entire chain of Id attributes.

  • defn (str) – Name of user component to find the component inside.
  • *iid (int) – Id attributes of the Graph Frame and Overlay Graph.
ProjectCommands.graph_frame(defn, iid)

Retrieve a controller for a Graph Frame

  • defn (str) – Name of user component to find the component inside.
  • iid (int) – Id attribute of the Graph Frame.